
MathMAC stands for Mathematical Modelling, Analysis and Computation. The project is funded by the Charles University in Prague in the framework of UNCE (University Centre of Excellence) programme, which supports research teams composed of young early career researchers.

The objective of the centre is systematic and creative usage of mathematics as the language of natural sciences. The centre is formed by scientists working in the field of partial differential equations, mathematical analysis and numerical mathematics and in natural sciences (fluid mechanics, geophysics, astrophysics). The interdisciplinary research team focuses on the development of well-founded mathematical models for natural phenomena, the investigation of their mathematical properties and on the implementation of numerical methods for computer simulations thereof.

Such a synergic research is expected to lead to the optimal usage of the contemporary and near future high performance computers and numerical methods in simulations of natural phenomena, and to the development of relevant mathematical theory. Since the corresponding mathematical theory is applicable whenever one deals with a time evolution of continuously distributed quantities, the results are expected to have a significant outreach and impact.

The centre is active in teaching and it encourages students to participate in top level research. The centre further develops and extends the centre operating during 2012-2017.