Modelářská vánoční besídka 2022

Milí kolegové a přátelé matematického modelování, srdečně Vás zveme na tradiční Vánoční besídku oboru matematického modelování ve velice předvánočním čase – ve středu 21. 12. 2022 v posluchárně K1 (Sokolovská 83) od 18 hodin. Můžete si zde pochutnat na guláši, chlebíčkách nebo vínu a svařáku za doprovodu vánočních koled. Rádi bychom pozvali nejen studenty, absolventy…

Talk by Karol Hajduk

The next seminar “Modelling of materials – theory, model reduction and efficient numerical methods” will take place on Wednesday from 9:00 till 10:00 in the room K3. The talk will be given by Karol Hajduk. Please see the details below. Speaker: Karol HajdukTitle: Simultaneous approximation in Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces Abstract: In this talk, we…

Talk by Helmut Abels

The next seminar “Modelling of materials – theory, model reduction and efficient numerical methods” will take place on Wednesday from 9:00 till 10:00 in the room K3. The talk will be given by Helmut Abels. Please see the details below. Speaker: Helmut AbelsTitle: Regularity and Convergence to Equilibrium for a Navier-Stokes-Cahn-Hilliard System with Unmatched Densities…

Talks by Annamaria Massimini and Stefanos Georgiadis

Speaker #1: Annamaria MassiminiTitle #1: Analysis of a Poisson–Nernst–Planck–Fermi model for ion transport in biological channels Abstract #1: In this talk, we analyse a Poisson-Nernst-Planck-Fermi model to describe the evolution of a mixture of finite size ions in liquid electrolytes, which move through biological membranes or nanopores. The ion concentrations solve a cross-diffusion system in…

Talk by Anna Abbatiello

The next seminar “Modelling of materials – theory, model reduction and efficient numerical methods” will take place on Wednesday from 9:00 till 10:00 in the room K3. The talk will be given by Anna Abbatiello. Please see the details below. Speaker: Anna AbbatielloTitle: On the exponential decay in time of solutions to a generalized Navier-Stokes-Fourier…

Talk by Jakub Fara

The next seminar “Modelling of materials – theory, model reduction and efficient numerical methods” will take place on Wednesday from 9:00 till 10:00 in the room K3. The talk will be given by Jakub Fara. Please see the details below. Speaker: Jakub FaraTitle: The novel interface conditions in fluid-structure interaction Abstract: Non-trivial interface interaction between…

Talk by Petr Šácha

The next seminar “Modelling of materials – theory, model reduction and efficient numerical methods” will take place on Wednesday from 9:00 till 10:00 in the room K3. The talk will be given by Petr Šácha. Please see the details below. Speaker: Petr ŠáchaTitle: Internal gravity waves in the Earth’s atmosphere and their representation and effects…

UNCE Semester Seminar

The UNCE MathMac Semester Seminar, where Junior Researchers present their work, will take place in K6 (and via Zoom), on Tuesday June 7, 8:55-12:10. The program can be found here. Everybody is warmly welcome.

Talk by Alexei Gazca Orozco

The next seminar “Modelling of materials – theory, model reduction and efficient numerical methods” will take place on Wednesday from 9:00 till 10:00 in the room K3. The talk will be given by Alexei Gazca Orozco. Please see the details below. Speaker: Alexei Gazca OrozcoTitle: Nonlinear iterative approximation of steady flow of chemically reacting fluids…

Talk by Bangwei She

The next seminar “Modelling of materials – theory, model reduction and efficient numerical methods” will take place on Wednesday from 9:00 till 10:00 in the room K3. The talk will be given by Bangwei She. Please see the details below. Speaker: Bangwei SheTitle: A linear and monolithic FEM for fluid-shell interaction: stability and error estimates…